

Miss Xanadu Banana Weatherby

Born in a barn, dropped off at a machine shop instead of the bottom of a lake, where she lived for a few months until she randomly became my cat and went from Ted to Miss Xanadu Banana Weatherby.  I thought she needed a distinguished name with her undistinguished background, though we just called her Xana for short.  She was my first kitty I had all on my own, and several days later I went back to the machine shop and got her accident-prone litter mate, Bill. She was so sweet, a fantastic hunter and adventurer extraordinaire, she'd take walks with us around three sides of the block until she meowed at us that we've gone to far and we'd have to turn around and go back around the three sides we came.  Xana helped me test out every new lens, every backdrop and flash, and was such a patient model.  She was my cheerful little egg on stilts, who believed no box was too small to enjoy, no hand should go without giving pets and it was ALWAYS worth it to run home at top speed when I called her in.

I lost my dear little friend yesterday, who I will miss so much.DSC_6101xana and bill   5 D700_1557 DSC_5527 DSC_0024 _DSC8545 DSC_0038I'd like to thank Dr. Doug Oxley at Companion Care Vet Clinic for being so kind and understanding as we tried to find out what was wrong with that little cat.
